Friday, August 9, 2013

Building Media Literacy

Media literacy is an important skill to obtain through school, and will help students become lifelong learners. Media Literacy is providing the skills to learn how to be critical thinkers through inquiry, communication, and research. In the 21st century, this means that students need to be able to use technology tools safely, to gather information that is valid, cross reference information from a variety of formats  and be able to effectively communicate and collaborate through social media and other collaboration tools. I like this definition provided by NAMLE "The ability to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, and COMMUNICATE information in a variety of forms-is interdisciplinary by nature"

The goal for media literacy is to provide students with the skills they need to effectively gather information online, and be able to successfully communicate to share that information. These skills will help provide an understanding that not all information they can obtain is accurate. Information needs to be cross-referenced and verify among a variety of resources.  

Media literacy starts with inquiry, or curiosity to have the desire to answer some question or obtain some information. Knowing how to use search tools like Google to gather relevant resources is a necessary skill.  Basic research skills are needed to be able to validate credible resources, appropriately cite resources, and be confident that the information you are sharing is accurate. Students need to verify resources, use multiple locations, and use multiple types of media to verify information. Finally, the most important piece is learning how to cite resources, and provide credit to those who provided the information. Learning these skills will allow students to be an effective digital citizen to successfully collaborate online, and be able to accurately obtain and share valuable information.

National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE). 2013. Retrieved from
Partnership for 21st century skills (P21). 2012.
EAVI EN - A Journey to Media Literacy. 2013. Retrieved from
Center For Media Literacy, 2002-2011. Retreived from
Image created from the text in this blog post on Tagxedo.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that media literacy skills are important for all students to learn. These skills will help students to sort through the plethora of information that exists in order to determine what is real and what is not, and what is useful and what is not. Media literacy skills will be important if not essential in both professional and personal lives. These skills will help today's students be, as you said, lifelong learners. Great post. I love the digital footprint word cloud!
